The Red Rock Legacy Trail is one step closer to actualization! On Feb. 20, 2024 BLM, CFLHD, Clark County and NDOT held a four-hour evening open house to answer questions and get public feedback on Phase 5 (Blue Diamond to Mountains Edge) of the Red Rock Legacy Trail.
Representatives from each partner agency were present to answer public questions and showcase three proposed routes (see the image below).

This project is a game-changer for Red Rock, and one that our team at Save Red Rock has been planning and advocating for over two decades. Project planners from the agencies are now asking for our public feedback. Please look at the three alternatives and choose your best alternative as soon as you’re able (no specific deadline was given but the sooner the better). Feedback is anonymous unless you provide your contact info and will be considered in the route evaluation and decision for Phase 5.
Then what?
Once a recommended route is identified, additional preliminary design and an Environmental Assessment will be developed through the official NEPA process, which will provide additional public involvement opportunities and official comment periods. The entire process could take around a year to complete, after which final design and construction activities would take place.
We will keep you updated as things progress, but you are invited to continually check the FHWA website for more on what’s to come!
About the Red Rock Legacy Trail. Save Red Rock started the Red Rock Legacy Trail project in 2005 as a solution for increased safety and access for multiple user groups and demographics by connecting communities to federal lands off the highway, and for improving environmental and cultural sustainability by channeling interpretive recreation along a paved connection of abandoned dirt roads and prior impacts through the scenic lands of Red Rock Canyon.