Red Rock Canyon Multi-Use Recreational Bike Path

Out of all the solutions we pursue for Red Rock, the bike path is the safest and most fun.  It is opens up a new way for many to enjoy a safe, scenic, and non-polluting experience.  I expect it will bring more famillies out to exercise and enjoy the outdoors and provide a pleasant, non-polluting way to experience the canyon.  It will also serve to channel and consolidate hikers and pullouts, improving the environmental integrity of the canyon all along the road.

Bob Taylor and Jed Botsford have been managing the project at BLM.  We have had many public planning and scoping meetings.  The design contractor is a company out of Colorado who designs bike paths around the nation.  The public planning stages are completed, the corridors determined, and the environmental analysis is underway.  Hopefully that will be done in time to apply for funding from SNPLMA funds created by U.S. Senators Harry Reid and John Ensign who have been involved with the process from the start.